Concert Season!
‹shameless self-promotion›
My ridiculous amounts of violining this summer will finally culminate in this next week, starting with today:
MIT Summer Philharmonic Orchestra presents
Tchaikovsky Francesca di Rimini
Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade
Saturday, August 1st, 8PM @ MIT Kresge Auditorium [fbook]
(big green triangular curvy thing off Mass Ave)
Wednesday, August 5th, 7PM @ Hatch Shell on the Esplanade [fbook]
(bring blankets and a picnic!)
JAMMCLAN presents Party Like it's 1825:
Schubert String Quartet in d, D. 810, "Death and the Maiden" - Mvts I & II
Mendelssohn Octet in Eb, Op. 20 - Mvts I & IV
Friday, August 7th, 8PM @ Holden Chapel [fbook]
(btwn Stoughton, Hollis, Lionel, and Mower in Harvard Yard)
Cindy Wang, Nina Han, Andres Camacho, Michelle Siao - violin
Louisa Bekker, Jackie Havens - viola
And of course, my favorite part of any concert is creating the concert poster:

‹/shameless self-promotion›
Things have been feeling slightly disorganized of late: I haven't had time to properly label my tubes, so things in the fridge with shorthand symbols on them; I haven't had the mental energy to regularly update my lab notebook, so my data has been accumulating in thousands of small green post-its. I wanted to take a trip out to the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum today, and a bunch of friends are biking the Emerald Necklace, but I decided that I needed time to myself today. Sleep and mental space rejuvenation time. I had a really great routine going on at the beginning of summer - lab in the day, followed by cooking dinner for the house and then a bit of individual practice or rehearsals, and then in bed by 11:30 with the journal or a good book. But lately it's been lab in the day, followed by quick dinner on my own and then a mad dash to some rehearsal or the other, then back to lab to heat shock my fish and set up the confocal for an overnight time-lapse, and finally back home at 2 or 3 in the morning, only to wake up at 8AM to do it all over again. In other words, I'm pretty damn tired.
But all of this, despite the having no free time thing - it's been so ridiculously fun. I feel so enriched - I'm getting so much more out of this summer musically than I did last summer, when I was immersed in it at Aspen. I even buckled down and got my bow rehaired and my strings changed, and it's been years since I've been in that quasi-euphorically obsessive state where I actually cared enough about my tone and technique to play around with different string brands and mixes. Research is great - I feel as if I have so much independence in lab, and I'm no longer doing things only because someone told me to. I'm also looking up my own ways to do things and functioning almost like a grad student (although with much much much less credibility mental capacity, I'm sure).
Next week will be concert week, and the week after will be catch-up-on-labwork-and-actually-cook-for-the-house week, and the week after (!!) will probably be pack-up-and-go-home week. Wow.
My ridiculous amounts of violining this summer will finally culminate in this next week, starting with today:
MIT Summer Philharmonic Orchestra presents
Tchaikovsky Francesca di Rimini
Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade
Saturday, August 1st, 8PM @ MIT Kresge Auditorium [fbook]
(big green triangular curvy thing off Mass Ave)
Wednesday, August 5th, 7PM @ Hatch Shell on the Esplanade [fbook]
(bring blankets and a picnic!)
JAMMCLAN presents Party Like it's 1825:
Schubert String Quartet in d, D. 810, "Death and the Maiden" - Mvts I & II
Mendelssohn Octet in Eb, Op. 20 - Mvts I & IV
Friday, August 7th, 8PM @ Holden Chapel [fbook]
(btwn Stoughton, Hollis, Lionel, and Mower in Harvard Yard)
Cindy Wang, Nina Han, Andres Camacho, Michelle Siao - violin
Louisa Bekker, Jackie Havens - viola
And of course, my favorite part of any concert is creating the concert poster:

‹/shameless self-promotion›
Things have been feeling slightly disorganized of late: I haven't had time to properly label my tubes, so things in the fridge with shorthand symbols on them; I haven't had the mental energy to regularly update my lab notebook, so my data has been accumulating in thousands of small green post-its. I wanted to take a trip out to the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum today, and a bunch of friends are biking the Emerald Necklace, but I decided that I needed time to myself today. Sleep and mental space rejuvenation time. I had a really great routine going on at the beginning of summer - lab in the day, followed by cooking dinner for the house and then a bit of individual practice or rehearsals, and then in bed by 11:30 with the journal or a good book. But lately it's been lab in the day, followed by quick dinner on my own and then a mad dash to some rehearsal or the other, then back to lab to heat shock my fish and set up the confocal for an overnight time-lapse, and finally back home at 2 or 3 in the morning, only to wake up at 8AM to do it all over again. In other words, I'm pretty damn tired.
But all of this, despite the having no free time thing - it's been so ridiculously fun. I feel so enriched - I'm getting so much more out of this summer musically than I did last summer, when I was immersed in it at Aspen. I even buckled down and got my bow rehaired and my strings changed, and it's been years since I've been in that quasi-euphorically obsessive state where I actually cared enough about my tone and technique to play around with different string brands and mixes. Research is great - I feel as if I have so much independence in lab, and I'm no longer doing things only because someone told me to. I'm also looking up my own ways to do things and functioning almost like a grad student (although with much much much less credibility mental capacity, I'm sure).
Next week will be concert week, and the week after will be catch-up-on-labwork-and-actually-cook-for-the-house week, and the week after (!!) will probably be pack-up-and-go-home week. Wow.
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