Sunday, May 24, 2009

All in a day

12:00 AM - hang out in Charlie's room, watching Best in Show.  Write emails in effort to stay awake.
1:30AM - go back to room.  Write more emails.  Talk to Courtney.  I schedule 10AM breakfast date w/ JLo.
2:20AM - Courtney asks about the thesis project.  We start talking about our respective academic interests.  Ohhhh boy.
4:00 AM - Courtney: "Well, how about we watch this episode of House, and then go to bed?"  Me: "Umm...I'm meeting someone for breakfast in 6 hours.  I might just go to bed."
4:40AM - lights out

9:18AM - alarm on
9:50AM - out of bed!
9:57AM - text JLo to tell her I'm running late
10:07AM (in true Harvard style) - go get breakfast.  Breakfast sandwich at Hi-Rise was amazingly good.  The potato roll is chewy and wonderful.
11:00AM - back to pack.  Wheeeeeeeeee.
12:00PM - take Dragos to the house, quasi-settle in.
1:00PM - return to Lowell to help Courtney move out.  It's an army effort.  Literally.
2:05PM - text Mike to tell him I'm going to be late for our recording session.
2:12PM - Courtney leaves; we say our goodbyes and I head to Mike's.
2:40PM - Hilary, Lucy and I record string licks for the upcoming 30 Seconds from Mars album in Mike's apartment.  No joke.
4:20PM - dinner w/ Mike @ Grafton Street.  Such rockstars.

5:20PM - return to house.
5:30PM - attempt to nap.  Get woken up first by pouring rain, and then by multiple calls.  I should learn to put phone on silent while sleeping.
6:00PM - give up on nap.  Talk to Kshen.  Glue together basement door.
7:20PM - Dragos and I go to Trader Joe's to get food and ingredients for pasta.
8:40PM - Making second dinner!  Delicious angel hair pasta with ground beef and sauteed baby portobello mushrooms in tomato garlic sauce.  Yum yum.
10:00PM - finish eating and cleaning up.  Weiqi comes back.  Computer time - oh, the joys of technology.  Three people sitting in a living room at their respective laptops.  Pure group entertainment.
11:20PM - tired.  So damn tired.  Time for shower and bed.
11:56PM - bedtime.


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